4 Tickets to Hometowns! with Mia Jackson and Amy Miller

This week, Mike and Chris recap the latest episode of Matt James’ season of The Bachelor with guests Mia Jackson and Amy Miller.

A lot of departures this episode as we narrow down to HOMETOWNS!

follow our guests!

miajackson.com instagram.com/miacomedy twitter.com/miacomedy on all platforms
twitter.com/amymiller instagram.com/amymillercomedy on all platforms

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MIKE’S COMEDY SHOW FEB 26TH with Mia Jackson, Chris Sandiford, Kyle Ayers, and Nour Hadidi!
Tickets: https://bonfirealive.com/products/mike-carrozzas-ticket-to-giggletown-friday-february-26th-at-9pm-est